söndag 12 november 2017

Sjöjungfru läser bok om kärlek

2 kommentarer:

  1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  2. Hi A! This platform called "blogger" seems to be dying ..... there are however some people around who are a bit active but it is not comparable with period, let say, 4 years ago .... It was in old good days . I am glad you are back with your drawings. Your last post is written in your native language and the google translator is trying to make the very best of it but it is not of course perfect.

    I have similar thoughts: a year ago I came on the crossing and I did not know which way, which direction I have to take (I mean in artistic way). (I'm still not sure if I know it already ......)

    I always enjoy your art. After visiting your country I can more understand where you draw your inspirations from. The amazing nature, the colors, old legends ..... Or am I wrong?
    Cheers from artichokistan
